Parents » Parent Involvement Policies

Parent Involvement Policies

Welcome Parents!

We believe that parent involvement in their children's education can be one of the biggest predictors of student success. Here at Lewis Middle School, we welcome your participation in your child's learning experience and seek to strengthen the home-to-school connection. Our desire is to provide multiple opportunities to increase family engagement.
Step 1: Be Informed
We try to maintain an up-to-date parent experience via our Leopard News feature on our Lewis homepage and informational Parent Nights, as well as through our Weekly Bulletin - make sure you subscribe!

Step 2: Stay connected
Make sure your contact information is current via our Aeries Parent Portal as well as track your child's progress and grades.
Step 3: Get Involved
Through our PTO/DELL organization and our Parent Advisory Committee, as well as ELAC, we strive to allow parents to become an integral part of our school. We welcome all parents to contribute!
For more information on how you can get involved please contact our office directly.